Lustleigh Cleave – Hunters Tor

Miles – about 3 1/2 miles mainly gentle flat walking except the start which is pretty sharp incline

Time – 2 – 2 1/2 hours

Not buggyable – carrier only

This is one of a few walks around Lustleigh (I will be adding the others shortly!) and is a good one to take in the views accross the valley towards Manaton, and you get three Tors into the bargain! You park your car in a lay by just outside Lustleigh (you can park in the village itself if you want). This layby is pretty easy to spot as you go along the lane but the OS co-ordinate are SX 774 815. From this area if you walk down the road for 30 seconds you will see a path on the left leading up a gentle incline. Once you have gone up a little way the path splits in two, you need to take the path on the right (it is steeper, but worth it). Continue up and after about 10 mins you eventually reach the top and some flatter ground.

From here you follow the path around to the right. Continue walking along this path (there are a few that come up from the left, but don’t take them!). Walk past Sharpitor and you will get to your second Tor of Raven’s. Walk out to it and onto the Tor itself. The views on top of it are awsome of the valley below and accross to the other side. Once you are back on the path it is only a short 10-20 mins up to Hunters Tor. You get to Hunters Tor by passing through a gate and then following the wall to you left until you get to it. Again the views are pretty awsome.

Retrace your steps back to the gate and then follow an obvious path down the hill. Once you get to a gate on your right, go through it and down the hill again and through a farm yard. Once you are through the farmyard you will get to a footpath T junction. Go left here along what is a good path. This path will take you to the little hamlet of Foxworthy (lovely houses). Continue through the hamlet and take the left hand footpath (do not cross the river).

The footpath takes you into the woods and you can follow a rough path through. You then start to walk around and up the side of the hill and walk along this bit for about 30 mins (ignore the first left turn). You need to turn left once you have reached another footpath T-junction. This takes you uphill a little bit more and then down the other side bringing you out to were you first started your walk.

A nice little walk with a nice pub in Lustleigh to finish off. As ever the map is below but you can access on the OS website here

One thought on “Lustleigh Cleave – Hunters Tor

  1. Pingback: The Nutcracker @ Lustleigh Cleave | Mostly Outdoors

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